What is a Party Wall Agreement?
Whether you are a homeowner planning to make changes to your property or a neighbour concerned about potential disruptions, knowing what a party wall agreement entails is essential.
When it comes to construction and renovation projects, understanding the legal aspects is crucial to ensure a smooth and hassle-free process. One important aspect that often arises in such situations is the party wall agreement.
In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of party wall agreements, covering everything from its definition to its significance and legal implications.
What is a Party Wall Award?
A party wall agreement, also known as a party wall award, is a legally binding document. It governs the rights and responsibilities of property owners when it comes to shared walls, structures, or boundaries. A party wall agreement also acts as a mechanism to allow construction work to progress. It also acts to ensure that any work or modifications carried out on a party wall or adjacent property does not cause damage or inconvenience to neighbours.
The Purpose and Scope of a Party Wall Agreement
The primary purpose of a party wall agreement is to allow work to be undertaken whilst also minimizing the potential for any disputes. By clearly outlining the rights and obligations of all parties involved, it helps prevent conflicts and provides a legal framework for undertaking construction work near or on a party wall.
Anyone considering work to a party structure should bear in mind that without following the process in the Party Wall Act such work would be a trespass. The Courts usually deal harshly with anyone who infringes their neighbours rights by not following the Act. In finding against owners undertaking work they have awarded damages for trespass, damage, nuisance and even a share of the value gained by the building owner doing the work.
A party wall award typically covers a range of scenarios, including:
Building on the Boundary Line
When a property owner wishes to build a new wall or structure directly on the boundary line between two properties, a party wall agreement is necessary to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
Excavation or Digging near a Party Wall
If excavation work is planned near a party wall, such as the construction of foundations or basements, a party wall agreement is required to address potential risks and protect the structural integrity of neighbouring properties. For some further information see our article on special foundations.
Repairs and Alterations
When repairs or alterations are carried out on an existing party wall, an agreement is needed to define the extent of work and establish the responsibilities of each party involved.
Notice Requirements
The agreement also includes provisions for providing formal notice to adjoining property owners regarding proposed construction work, allowing them sufficient time to review the plans and raise any objections or concerns.
Dispute Resolution
In the event of disputes arising from the construction process or damage caused, the party wall agreement provides a mechanism for resolving conflicts, including the appointment of surveyors.
Notifying Adjoining Owners
Before undertaking any construction work that could potentially impact a party wall, the party intending to carry out the work, known as the “building owner,” must serve a formal notice to the neighbouring property owner, referred to as the “adjoining owner.” This notice typically includes details about the planned work, the proposed timeline, and any other relevant information.
Upon receiving the notice, the adjoining owner has the right to either consent or dissent within a specified timeframe. If the adjoining owner dissents, a dispute is deemed to have arisen. Both parties need to appoint surveyors to resolve the matter and produce a party wall award.
The Role of Party Wall Surveyors
Party wall surveyors play a crucial role in the party wall process. They are impartial professionals with expertise in construction and property law who are appointed by each party involved.
Their responsibilities include:
1.) Assessing the proposed construction plans and ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
2.) Conducting inspections to determine the condition of the party wall and neighbouring properties before and after the construction work.
3.) Producing a party wall agreement, also known as a party wall award. This sets out the rights and obligations of each party. It also includes necessary safeguards to protect the interests of all involved.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the purpose of a party wall agreement?
A party wall agreement serves to establish the rights and responsibilities of property owners when it comes to shared walls or boundaries. It also ensures that construction work does not cause damage or inconvenience to neighbouring properties.
Who is responsible for initiating a party wall agreement?
The party intending to carry out the construction work, known as the building owner, is responsible for initiating the party wall process. The process starts with the service of a formal notice to the adjoining property owner.
What happens if the adjoining owner dissents to the proposed construction plans?
If the adjoining owner dissents to the proposed construction plans, a dispute is deemed to have arisen. In such cases, both parties may need to appoint surveyors to resolve the disagreement.
Is a party wall agreement a legally binding document?
Yes, a party wall agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the rights and obligations of property owners. It provides a framework for construction work near or on a party wall and helps prevent conflicts and disputes.
What should I do if I suspect a breach of a party wall award?
If you suspect a breach of a party wall award or encounter any issues during construction, call us as soon as soon as possible. We can assess the situation, provide guidance, and help resolve any disputes that may arise.
In conclusion, a party wall agreement plays a crucial role in ensuring a smooth and conflict-free construction process. By clearly defining the rights and responsibilities of property owners when it comes to shared walls or boundaries, it helps minimize disputes and protect the interests of all involved parties. Understanding the legal framework and requirements surrounding party wall matters is essential for property owners and their neighbours.
Party Wall & Neighbourly Matters Services
Party Wall Advice
Movement & Vibration Monitoring
Development Agreements
Boundary Reports & Advice
Rights of Way & Easements
Further Guidance when appointing a Party Wall Surveyor
As a Building Owner planning work to your property please get in touch. We can provide advice on your obligations and help secure a Party Wall Agreement.
If you are an Adjoining Owner and have received a notice we can also advise on how best to protect your property.
For information on how the Party Wall Act affects you see our Party Wall Fact Sheet.
You can also find further information in our Party Wall FAQs. The FAQs have been compiled from questions we are often asked about the Act.
There is some further information in the government’s explanatory booklet on the Party Wall process. Also see our recent overview of the Party Wall Act.
For advice direct from one of our Surveyors, please call our Enquiry line on 020 4534 3135. If you would rather we called you instead, please fill in our Contact form and we will be in touch.
For a quick online quote for Party Wall advice, send us the details of your project.
Local Party Wall Surveyors
To contact a Party Wall surveyor that’s local to you, see details of our teams in :
For advice direct from one of our Surveyors, please call our Enquiry line on 020 4534 3135.
If you are planning work that is covered by the Act, or if you have received notice of work from a neighbour and want advice on how best to protect your property please contact:
Link: Contact Us
Team members shown:
- Geoffrey Adams
- Mark Amodio
- Rickie Bloom
- Henry Woodley