Harrow Road

We provided advice on all aspect of Daylight & Sunlight to support planning for Harrow Road.

This housing project will provide 112 new homes, a mixture of one, two and three bedroom dwellings, with 50% affordable, either social or intermediate rent.

Alongside the new homes, the mixed use development will provide over 1,400 sqm of community facilities including a new community hall, nursery and a canal side café.

The development comprises the re-provision of existing community facilities, a nursery, new public realm, commercial spaces, and crucially 112 new homes – with 50% genuinely affordable.

Daylight & Sunlight Harrow Road

Focusing upon the residential element of the project, all sit within a mixed schedule of accommodation ranging from studio to 3-bedroom apartments – with the majority of family-sized dwellings provided within the social tenure to support an identified need by the local authority.

The design intentionally improves the connectivity between Harrow Road and the canal, and improves the penetration of Daylight & Sunlight into the development.

The scheme will be amongst the first to be delivered by Westminster Builds, the council owned company set up to deliver their regeneration and development programme.


We advised on all aspects of daylight & sunlight and overshadowing to support the planning application for Harrow Road.

Client : Westminster City Council

Architect : Child Graddon Lewis

Planning Consultant : Peter Brett Associates

Services : Daylight & Sunlight

Sector : Mixed – Residential & Commercial

Daylight & Sunlight Services

Detailed Daylight & Sunlight Assessments

Masterplanning & Site Optimisation

Maximum Development Envelopes & Optimisation

Façade Analysis & Optimisation

Internal Daylight & Sunlight Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Transient Overshadowing

Hours in Sun for Amenity Space

Climate Based Assessment

Tree Impact Assessments

Radiance Studies

Solar Glare

Solar Panel Assessments

Light Pollution

Expert Witness

Technical adviser to Local Planning Authorities

New British Standard EN17037 View Out Assessment

Also see our recent work at Agar Grove and in Birmingham.

Contact – Daylight & Sunlight Harrow Road

For details of our specialist Daylight & Sunlight surveyors near you see our LondonBirminghamManchesterBristol, Norwich Plymouth office details.

For help or advice on your latest project, please give us a call.

For advice on Daylight & Sunlight direct from one of our surveyors, please call our Enquiry Line on 020 4534 3138.

If you would like us to call you, please fill in our Contact Us form and we will call you back.

Link: Contact Us

Team members shown:

  • Rebecca Chapman
  • Matthew Grant
  • Stephen Mealings