Agar Grove

We provided advice on all aspects of Daylight & Sunlight for the redevelopment of Agar Grove.

The masterplan for this site in Camden will provide 493 affordable homes with energy performance of the proposed accomodation a high priority.

It is the largest of Camden Council’s community investment projects, and once complete will be the largest Passivhaus scheme in the UK with a predicted 90 per cent reduction in energy bills.

Daylight & Sunlight Agar Grove

Agar Grove is already a pleasant place to live, but the existing layout of the estate does not compare well to today’s principles of good design. It is inefficient, out-dated and disconnected from the wider city.

Hawkins\Brown prepared the masterplan for the redevelopment. The masterplan is based upon the traditional concept of ‘streets and squares’ with an emphasis on buildings which have front doors at street level, creating livable spaces between them, and allowing people to move across, through and within the site.

The overarching desire is to create a place where people want to live, and contributes positively to the surrounding area.

Lulworth House will be retained, stripped back to the existing structure and intensively refurbished. The concrete structure in the building represents a significant amount of embodied carbon from its manufacture and retaining it for retrofitting is a large part of the sustainability strategy for the Agar Grove project.

The proposed scheme was the overall winner on the New London Awards 2019.


We advised on all aspects of Daylight & Sunlight to support the planning application for Agar Grove.

Client : Camden Council

Architect : Hawkins\Brown, Mae Architects, & Architype

Services : Daylight & Sunlight

Sector : Residential

Daylight & Sunlight Services

Detailed Daylight & Sunlight Assessments

Masterplanning & Site Optimisation

Maximum Development Envelopes & Optimisation

Façade Analysis & Optimisation

Internal Daylight & Sunlight Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Transient Overshadowing

Hours in Sun for Amenity Space

Climate Based Assessment

Tree Impact Assessments

Radiance Studies

Solar Glare

Solar Panel Assessments

Light Pollution

Expert Witness

Technical adviser to Local Planning Authorities

New British Standard EN17037 View Out Assessment

Also see our recent work at Westferry Printworks and Beaufort Park.

Contact – Daylight & Sunlight Agar Grove

For details of our specialist Daylight & Sunlight surveyors near you see our LondonBirminghamManchesterBristol, Norwich Plymouth office details.

For help or advice on your latest project, please give us a call.

For advice on Daylight & Sunlight direct from one of our surveyors, please call our Enquiry Line on 020 4534 3138.

If you would like us to call you, please fill in our Contact Us form and we will call you back.

Link: Contact Us

Team members shown:

  • Rebecca Chapman
  • Matthew Grant
  • Stephen Mealings