Party Wall Insulation
If a neighbour is undertaking works under the Party Wall Act, can you require improved sound insulation as part of the works?
Sound nuisance and improvement to insulation is often a matter raised to us when we are acting as an appointed surveyor for Adjoining Owners under the Party Wall Act.
Most often issues relating to sound or noise transference are raised to us by Adjoining Owners of residential properties.
In particularly in semi-detached and terraced properties or flats that are separated by a party wall or party structure and that which is suffering excessive noise transference.
The question that is often raised to us is :
‘Can we force the person/people doing the work, to install sound insulation to a problematic party wall?’.
It would be sensible to resolve any such issues while one of the neighbours are undertaking refurbishment or development works.
However, there is no mechanism in the Party Wall Act by which to force a developing neighbour to install sound insulation to a party wall or party structure under the Act.
Such improvements would need to be by separate agreement between the parties. This could be proposed if there is any requirement for access or other matters to be negotiated. But there is no obligation for a Building Owner to upgrade sound insulation to a party wall under the Act.
Party Wall & Neighbourly Matters Services
Party Wall Advice
Movement & Vibration Monitoring
Development Agreements
Boundary Reports & Advice
Rights of Way & Easements
Further Guidance when appointing a Party Wall Surveyor
For further help and advice on agreeing insulation of a party wall, please get in touch.
As a Building Owner planning work to your property please get in touch for help and advice to manage the Party Wall process.
Alternatively, if you are an Adjoining Owner and have received a notice we can advise on how you can best protect your property.
If you would rather we called you instead, please fill in our Contact form and we will be in touch.
For information on how the Party Wall Act affects you see our Party Wall Fact Sheet.
You can also find further information in our Party Wall FAQs. The FAQs have been compiled from questions we are often asked about the Act.
You can also find guidance on choosing a Party Wall Surveyor in our recent news article.
There is some further information in the government’s explanatory booklet on the Party Wall process.
Follow the link to our recent article on home working and the Party Wall Act.
For a quick online quote for Party Wall advice, send us the details of your project.
Local Party Wall Surveyors
To contact a Party Wall surveyor that’s local to you, see details of our teams in :
For advice direct from one of our Surveyors, please call our Enquiry line on 020 4534 3135.
If you are planning work that is covered by the Act, or if you have received notice of work from a neighbour and want advice on how best to protect your property please contact:
Link: Contact Us
Team members shown:
- Geoffrey Adams
- Mark Amodio
- Rickie Bloom
- Henry Woodley